Thursday, August 9, 2012

Surprises And Disbeliefs

Surprise is a feeling that we feel when we hear an amazing news which surprise and amaze us.
Disbelief is an expression that we show or say when we know or hear or see something that is rather difficult to believe.

Expressing surprise:
  • What a surprise !
  • That’s a surprise !
  • (well), that’s very surprising !
  • You must be joking !
  • Fancy that !
  • You’re kidding !
  • What ?Really !
  • Are you serious ?
  • I must say … surprises me.I find that hard to believe.
Responding of expressing surprise:
  • Yeah!
  • It is.
  • Yup!
  • Sure.
  • It’s true.
  • I’m serious.
  • No, I’m not.
  • Does it?
  • My Goodness!
  • This is really surprise.
Expressing disbelieves:
  • I don’t believe it.
  • I just can’t believe…
  • I can’t imagine she could do such a foolish thing.
  • It can’t be true.
Responding to believe or not:
  • Are you serious?
  • Are you kidding?
  • Are you joking?

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