Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Greetings is customary or ritualized words or phrases used to introduce onself or to greet someone.

Greetings can be expressed both audibly and physically, and greetings are often, but not always, used just prior to a conversation.

In English, some common verbal greetings are :   
  • Hi
  • Hello
  • How do you do?
  • How are you.
  • I’m glad to meet you.
  • I’m happy to meet you.
  • I’m pleased to meet you.
  • It’s nice to meet you. 
  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon 
  • Good evening
  • Good bye

Responding to initial greetings are :
  • Hi. 
  • Hello. 
  • I’m very well.  
  • I’m fine. 
  • I’m glad to meet you too. 
  • I’m happy to meet you too.  
  • I’m pleased to meet you too. 
  • It’s nice to meet you too. 
  • Good morning. 
  • Good afternoon. 
  • Good evening. 
  • Good night. 
  • Excellent 
  • Great.

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