Friday, August 10, 2012


Invitation is a way to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something.
  1. Formal invitation is usually originate from Institutes, Companies and a kind of it. Normally formal invitation is written invitation.
  2. Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation. 
Example :
Extending :
  •  Please try to come !
  • I hope you’ll join us !
  • If you are not busy, pleset come to my party !
  • Shall we see the film ?
  • I would like to invite you come to my house !
Accepting :
  • Great! Let’s do it !
  • Thank you. I’d like to !
  • That’s a good idea !
  • That would be very nice !
  • Thank you for invitation!
  • I’m really sorry about that.
  • Sorry. I can’t. I have to do something.
  •  I’d love to. But I can’t. Sorry.
  •  I really busy.

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