Friday, August 10, 2012

Gratitude, Compliment, and Congratulation

Gratitude is expression that used to say thank you to other people.
Kind of gratitude expression are :  
  • Thank you / thanks
  • Thank you very much. 
  • I’m grateful to...
  • I want to thank.
  • I want to express my gratitude to...
  • I keep forgetting to thank you for... 
Respond of expressing :
  • You are welcome.
  • Don’t mention it.
  • Not at all.
  • It was nothing at all.
  • No problem.
  • Glad to be of help.
  • (it was) my pleasure.
  • I’m glad I could help.
  • I’m glad I could do it.
  • I’m glad I could be of help.
  • Anytime ?
Compliment is expression that used to give praising to other people. Some people use compliment to batter up someone or to flatter in order to increase good will.
Expressing :
  • What a nice dress
  • You look great
  • You look very nice
  • I really must express my admiration for you...
  • Good grades 
  • Excellent
  • Nice work
Time to express compliment :
  • On his / her general appearance
  • If you notice something new about the person appearance
  • When you visit someone’s house for the first time
  • When other people do their best
Congratulation is expression that used to say congratulate to someone when get a success
Expressing :
  • Congratulation
  • Let me congratulate you
  • My congratulations on you successful business
  • Congratulations on your promotion
  • Good
  • That’s great !
  •  Isn’t that wonderful
  • How fortunate
  • Splendid !
  • Pretty good !
Responding : 
  • Thank you.
  • Thanks, I needed that.
  • That’s very kind of you
  • It’s very kind of you to say that.
  • Do you really thin k so ?
  • You’ve made my day !
  • The same to you.
  •  I’m glad to like it.
  • Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so.

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