Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happiness Expression

Definition of happiness expression :
Happiness expression is an expression that is used  to show  that someone or people are glad have excited feelings.

What is happiness ?
  • It is important to first understand that the term "happiness" refers to the emotion, mood, and state of happiness, however researchers generally study the more enduring "state".
  • Expression happiness is used to expression happiness feelings when we are succesful to do something.
What would you say to express your happiness ?
  • I'm happy because...
  • I like...
  • I love...
  • Fantastic
  • Great !
  • Congratulation
  • Super !
  • Exciting !
  • Terrific !
  • Smashing !
  • I can't how pleased I am
  • You make me happy
  • I'm pleased with...etc
We can happiness expression of by :
  • Word
  • Gestures


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